IBCE 2015

Call for papers

It is our pleasure to invite you to partecipate to the IFAC IBCE 2015 Workshop on Internet Based Control Education, which will serve as an international forum for interaction among engineers, scientists, and practitioners of control engineering who are interested in adopting and promoting Internet-based methodologies for teaching control engineering.

Topics include but are not limited to:

-    Internet-based control education
-    e-learning in control engineering
-    Tele-operation
-    Distributed pedagogical agents and smart devices
-    Interactivity and interactive tools
-    Enhanced e-books
-    Virtual and remote labs, virtual reality
-    Open learning repositories and open educational resources
-    Web-based educational environments
-    Personal learning environments
-    Social software in control education
-    Continuing control education in industry
-    Internet-based control education assessment
-    Quality Assurance in e-learning
-    Social and educational issues in developing countries
-    Collaborative learning
-    Problem-based learning
-    Online tutoring
-    Closing the gap between control education practice and control engineering            practice
-    International programs in internet based control education
-    Cultural and social issues of control education